ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Author Name :
Mirela Cini, Frederik Cucllari , Landi Gushi
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Across the world there is an increasingly strong interest on the role of entrepreneurs in the economy. They are key driving force of modern economy. Women entrepreneurs are one of the fastest growing populations of entrepreneurs in the world. Businesses owned by women continue to diversify into all sectors of the economy. In Albania, a woman in business is a phenomenon that began after 1990 with the major changes that have taken place in Albania during its transition from a centrally planned to market-oriented economy. Since 1991, the number of businesses create and run by women continue to grow. Today, women run businesses in different sectors of the economy. Yet, women-owned businesses still have a long way to go to achieve parity with men-owned businesses. This paper aims to assess the intensity of women as entrepreneurs in Albania. The paper includes problems and challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in the Albanian socio-economic context and their prospects for future development.
Keywords :
  • communicative language,
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