ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Author Name :
Ashokkumar B. Surapur
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Entrepreneurship is increasingly recognized as an important generator of economic development and innovation. As many firms respond to the growing competitive pressure by reducing their workforce or relocating their businesses, the EU member states need new, innovative and growth orientated enterprises that are able to withstand the competitive pressures and create new jobs. Moreover, it has been estimated that every third entrepreneur will retire within the next ten years and the number of successors is low. Therefore, young people with entrepreneurial skills which have the intention to take over or found businesses are needed. To reach this goal, strategic measures are needed that increase the entrepreneurial intention (i.e. the number of people considering self-employment as an occupational option) of young people.
Keywords :
  • एम. एड.,
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