ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
naltrexone information vivitrol uk
Author Name :
Chandrakala Halemani
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
India is a country where the trafficking of women and children occurs frequently and the incidents are seemed to be correlated with the economic social demographic and natural factor among other. Trafficking is one kind of migration meaning to recruitment of children and women within and across the national boundaries for work, marriage or services by means of violence, threat of violence. The widespread contemporary exploitation of men, women and children is unacceptable to people of conscience the world over. Traditional approaches to preventing trafficking in human beings, to protect and assist trafficked persons and bring criminals to justice have had some small impact on the global phenomenon, but not enough. That even one young person is denied the benefits of childhood, that one young woman are subjected to the brutal humiliation of sexual exploitation and that one man becomes the slave of a cruel taskmaster in another country are clear signals that we must renew both our resolve as well as our initiatives to protect those who are vulnerable. Trafficking is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon and requires a multidisciplinary approach. Any analysis of the root causes of human trafficking must take into account factors that are specific to India, its socio-economic conditions and its poverty levels human trafficking is a violation of human rights and any strategy to eliminate trafficking should be framed within a human-rights perspective by placing the victim at the centre. A focus that is primarily directed to the prosecution of traffickers has the potential to ignore or minimise the human rights of those who have been trafficked by failing to adequately protect the trafficked women.
Keywords :
  • Paishacha Vivaah,
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