ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Imran Yousuf , Bikash Sharma
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Human rights are those rights which belong to an individual as a result of being human. They are based on uncomplicated human needs as imperatives, some of these human needs are elements for absolute physical continued existence and health other is elemental for spiritual endurance and well being. These rights are linked with the established concept of natural law. These rights belong to human beings because of their very existence they become operative with their birth, human rights being the birth right are therefore inherit in all the persons irrespective of their class, creed, religion, Gender and race. Human Rights are universal rights; these cannot be bind by any particular country or religion. Human rights in Islam are based on the revelations from the holy book of Muslims (The Holy Quran) and from the practices of God's messenger (Prophet Mohammad) the two are the main source of Islamic law and human rights. In this paper the researcher has discussed the various human rights in the light of holy Quran and hadith, Cairo conference as a landmark event in the history of Islamic human rights.
Keywords :
  • Indian Right to Information (RTI),
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