ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Bhanwar Vishvendra Raj Singh , Ashok Kumar
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Accelerating deforestation, rampant poaching and mining is leading to habitat destruction of wildlife animals especially carnivore’s animals like Tiger, which is further aggravating the problem of man-animal conflict. So that’s why The tiger population in world and India has been decreasing at an alarming rate over the past 100 years, with 40,000 wild tigers roaming the landscape in the early 20th century, to only 1,700 dotting the landscape today. Meanwhile India government has made great strides recently to protect tigers and increase population numbers through tiger reserves, pu-nishing poachers with imprisonment and fines, and through effective patrolling strategies. In this paper more and more focus on what is scenario is going on regarding with tiger population. As well as the discussed issue, history, scientific characteristic, habitat and distribution, diet, threat and conservation of tiger management. In this paper major focus on spatial temporal analysis in tiger population in India.
Keywords :
  • Sri Mallikarjun M.Kharge's,
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