ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
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Author Name :
Gandhiji C Molkere
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Bharatha Rathna Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar was a man of versatile genius, great economist, constitutionalist, social reformist, a political thinker, a champion of downtrodden and above all a great humanist. All through his life he struggled to establish the basic principles - Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in all walks of life in the society. To achieve these he used his mental calibure and followed constitutional methods. His entire life was of great struggle to emancipate the exploited people. He had taken utmost care to draft the liberal Constitution, making the citizens of this nation to enjoy the fundamental rights without any discrimination on the grounds of caste, colour, and creed, place of birth, religion or sex. His notion of democracy made him to stand unique among the modern thinkers of democracy. For him, democracy is `a way of life wherein revolutionary changes in the socio-economic code of life of the people are brought about without bloodshed`. This itself is a testimony for his conviction in the establishment of liberal democratic system. This system to him should bring an end to all sorts of discrimination and thereby establishing a casteless society because he believed caste is a hindrance to the growth of individual and the democratic system.
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Keywords :
  • Individuals with Moderate Intellectual Disability,VSWR,
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