ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Sanjoy Dutta , Kamal Ram
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Ground water depletion, a term often defined as long- term water level decline caused by sustained ground water pumping, is a key issue associated with ground water use and crop production. According to water commission of India the ground water level is decreasing 20 feet in 37 year from 1967 to 2002.Over population and rapid urbanization is the main cause fo depletion and degradation of ground water. As a result, arsenic contamination, subsidence, water quality deterioration, reduced surface-water flows has been occurred. Due to the depletion of ground water the reservoir for irrigation has been decreasing day by day. The district of Malda (24° 40' 20" N to 25° 33' 08" N and 87° 45' 50" E to 88° 28' 10"E) comprising an area of 3713 sq. km located between the state of Bihar in the west and Bangladesh in the east. The district is divided physiographically into 3 parts Tal, Barind and Diarah. District economy is mainly dependent on agriculture and especially irrigation based agriculture. Apart from Ganga which flows a considerable distance from the south and south west boundary of the district , most of the rivers such as Mahananda Fulhara and Kalindri are mostly rain-fed and so in the pre-monsoon and summer water is available only from lift irrigation. The irrigation system in this district is running through minor and small irrigation projects based on underground water table. . Englishbazar block is mainly urbanized with high rising buildings. In this building borewell is often used to fulfil the water demand of the population. Huge use of the borewell caused ground water depletion and detorition. Now-a-days when ground water is depleted the agriculture becomes a critical job for cultivators in block as same in district. Crop production especially HYV production is highly dependent on irrigation in district. In the case of wheat, for example appropriate timing and spacing of irrigation raise the yield by as much as 50% even if the other inputs are not given . But for the lack of irrigation water as per demand, HYV production has been suffered now. On the basis of above situation it is a call of time to discuss about the problem and try to make a solution and thus this paper is focused on the above problem and solution in search.
Keywords :
  • Boundless love,
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