ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Iyer Seethalakshmi Balakrishnan
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Today it can be observed that the financial liberalization and technology revolution have allowed the developments of new and more efficient delivery and processing channels as well as more innovative products and services in banking industry. Banking institutions are facing competition not only from each other but also from non-bank financial intermediaries as well as from alternative sources of financing. As financial institutions increasingly offer online banking services to their customers, they must face issues of consumer confidence in the Internet. Consumers are concerned about identity theft and wonder if the Internet is safe for online banking. Therefore, building the best controls to prevent fraud and protect customers is of critical importance. This paper investigates the extent of safety measures followed by customers while e-banking, analyses the awareness of the customers regarding the various online banking scams and suggests safety measures to be followed while e-banking. Primary data was collected from 50 respondents through a structured questionnaire. Secondary data was used to know about the various electronic e-banking products and services and various online scams. It is anticipated that the findings would be useful to the banking sector to frame proper policies in the area of e-banking.
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