ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Author Name :
Shaikh Nikhat Mahmoodsab , Bijapure Ashfaque A. Aziz
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
In education ICTS play vital role in facilitating teaching classroom. They have transformed classroom communication methods and modified instruction strategies. Information and communication technology in English enables students to develop and apply Skils, knowledge and understanding of ICT in their composing responding, presenting, and on a apart of imaginative and critical thinking they undertake in English. Using ICT as a classroom tool has many other benefits because it provides motivational activities of the students, increase opportunities for student interaction and decision making. For this purpose technology includes cameras, audio equipments, V.D.O equipments, O.H.P, computer technology etc. A step further multi-media computer creates an opportunity for teacher to bring almost real life situation into the classroom. Hence proper utilization of technologies in teaching learning of English change the role of teacher from transmitter of knowledge to a consultant. In this direction Tutor web blog, Learners web blog and Class blog play important role in exploration of English web sites, on-line verbal exchange, writing practice etc.
Keywords :
  • College Libraries,
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