ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Krishan Kant
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Spirituality is defined as the basic feeling of being connected with one's complete self, with others and also with the entire universe .Spirituality is the practice of living in one's natural self, accepting oneself happily with gratitude towards universe. Spirituality is the sum total of virtues like humanity, selflessness, fortitude, compassion, forgiveness, sympathy, love and the respect for the whole universe which the present system of education lacks to impart. The authors here deal with the question why spiritual education at present hour is the demand of higher education and try to come on some conclusion and give recommendations after discussing and highlighting it as it will enhance the education of our students and serve the educational missions of our institutions. As it is the one direction except other geographical directions (East, west etc.), which leads a student towards understanding of self, which can be a ladder towards attainment and enjoyment of self realisation, the state whose ecstasy is hard to explain into in to words. As self realisation will help a student to march confidently towards understanding of the universe, as it unlocks before them the vast world of possibilities, opens the door of progress, imparts a vision of society of great men. But the education system at higher level is far away from this dream. The reason behind this is the lack of values and spiritually-oriented education at higher level. This paper is an attempt to know the ways by which spiritual education is imparted to the students.
Keywords :
  • औद्योगिक विकासाचे साधन ,
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