ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Author Name :
Ramakrishna. G
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Truth is a deeper subject then it at first appears. A concept which confronts us at the start of discussion is the different forms of truth which all the "truth theories" assume. On an existant level everything which lies within our consciousness is in its own way true. The god Mars is true in its existance as idea, it is not however true as a physicalized incaration. It is these embodied facts which the Correspondence theory deals with, its theory is that that which is true is that which corresponds to reality, but before it even lays the first courner stone of its definition of truth it has already assumed the definition it seeks to prove by claiming reality is simply a cold collection of physicalized facts.
Keywords :
  • social and environmental,
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