ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Varsha S. Sukhadeve
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
As we are in the age of knowledge the internet has become a progressively more significance channel for both business and consumer. It has change the way of doing business to many companies. The saying such as “information is influence” and “customer is king” are often used in reference to business accomplished on the Internet. In the rather short history of e-business and e-commerce, events have verified that flourishing e-businesses are those that distinguish the needs of their target audiences and match their demand. The internet is solitary of the most ground-breaking technologies that transform the business environment and has a spectacular brunt on the prospect of electronic commerce (EC). Electronic commerce is supporting of customers, supplying of services and commodities, portion of business information, manages business transactions and maintaining of bond between suppliers, customers and vendors by devices of telecommunication networks. The future of EC will increase speed and will shift the power toward the consumer, which will show the way to elementary changes in the way companies relate to their customers and compete with one another. The enormous attractiveness of the Internet in current years has been fueled largely by the panorama of performing business on-line. The Internet has no geographical boundaries to commerce, almost instantaneously giving the smallest business access to unused markets around the world. At the same time, consumers can conduct business and make purchases from any part of world and from any companies which previously were unavailable to them. The rationale of this paper is to review of significance of B to C, advantages and limitations of B to C.
Keywords :
  • Bas Relief,
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