ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Mudasir Majid Malik , Asima Nusrath
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The Indian Tourism Industry has flourished in the past few years, significantly contributing to the nation's Development, Gross Domestic Product, Foreign Exchange Earnings and Employment. India with her enriched beauty is unambiguously one of the most viable candidates for promoting tourism. Since the past few years, Government of India has undertaken various measures to promote tourism. Tourism is growth oriented industry with its impact on the employment and foreign exchange potential of the country. Thispaper analyses the changes in number of tourist arrivals from 1997 to 2012, increase in economic growth and the development of tourism. The number of tourist arrivals is directly proportional to the economic growth. India witnessed a grand total of 6.58 million Foreign Tourist Arrivals with annual growth rate of 4.3% in 2012. It is the second largest foreign exchange earner in India recording estimated earnings of 94487 Crore in 2011-2012. With world tourist arrivals expected to increase by 43 million every year on an average from 2010 to 2030. The domestic tourism is also a major factor which is contributing to the growth in tourism sector.
Keywords :
  • Literacy,
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