ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Madan Mohan Mandal
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Akbar, in full Abu al – Fateh Jalal al – din Muhammad Akbar ( 1542-1605), greatest of the Mughal emperor of India, who extended Mughal power over most of the Indian subcontinent. In order to preserve the unity of his empire. He adopted programs that won the royalty of the non –Muslim populations of his realm. He reformed and strengthened his central administration and also centralized his financial system and reorganized tax collection processes. Illiterate himself, he encouraged scholars, poets, painters and musicians making his court a centre of culture. In his childhood, he came in contract with Sufism and from 1542, for eighteen long years, he made annual pilgrimage to the shrine of shaike Muinuddin chisti at Ajmer. His Rajput views, his Hindu officials like Todarmal, Birbal and Man Singh, Scholars like faizi and Abul fazl and the Bhakti movement of the Sixteen century helped in moulding his religious views. His developed a passionate love for philosophical discussions and spiritual quest, which led to the foundation of the Ibadatkhana ( Hall of Worship) at Fatehpur Sikri. Religious policy of Akbar was that of complete toleration. His policy was based on the principle of universal peace.
Keywords :
  • multi-disciplinary nature,
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