ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Bapu Bhima Raut
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
After food settlement is the most important need of man .men construct houses and develop settlements to protect themselves against the vagarious of weather and to enjoy social life. In fact settlement is man's most important base for adaptation with his physical as well as cultural environment. Housing occupies a most important place in the problem of welfare of the people. It is a matter of the almost importance in the social welfare of the city also. Unsatisfactory housing conditions are given as a major cause of juvenile delinquency and the wrecking of marriages. Social welfare is deeply concerned with adequate housing, next to food and clothing housing is basic necessities of human beings. It plays significant role particularly for the maintenance of family life. Housing is a social an economic and civic problem. All these aspects of housing need full consideration. There is increasing recognition everywhere of the close relation between housing and health and wellbeing of the people during the nineteen century directed public attention to the problems of housing . the first movement was caused by the condition of the slums and was aimed at housing reform.
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Keywords :
  • Criminality Greed Crime pattern Law,
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