ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
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Author Name :
Vinod Kumar
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
This paper analyses the changing patterns of Indo-France relations and traces issues of conflict and cooperation, and continuity and change between the two countries. It argues that although France's traditional-cultural relations with pre-independent India had been good, diplomatic and political relations during the entire Cold War period were far from being friendly; rather they were formal, commercial and business oriented. The end of the Cold War ushered in new challenges for India, compelling it to undertake a thorough revision of its foreign policy. India's neo-realist aspirations to play a more active role in global politics, the French strategic support to India during the Pokharan nuclear tests, the far-reaching changes in Europe and the desire of both countries for an all-round intensification of cooperation have led to a transformation of Indo-French relations from a 'buyer-seller syndrome' to a strategic partnership in the twenty-first century. Going by the current trend, the future of Franco-India relations look promising.
Keywords :
  • जीवनव्यवहाराची,प्रशासन,
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