ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Bharat Sonar
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The interference and impact of mother language alongwith other regional languages gives English the form of a Pidgin and a Creole in India. It becomes a strange mixture of linguistic features of many languages being in a close contact with multiple languages for a longer time. Indian English many a times becomes inintelligible to the world or the nativelisteners of English. The Indian speakers of English mostly fail to acquire RP model of English in spite of the fact that we the Indians are taught and practiced the RP model of English in our schools, colleges and the universities for years.. English,at present, after over the years, we see beingconverted into an unphonetic language.. Along with this it is often seen that there is the breakage of the link between the speech sounds and the spellings. The fact that most of the Indian languages are generally phonetic creates a hurdle in the learning and usage of proper pronunciations in English for the Indian speakers of English. The Indian speakers of English tend to replace English sounds by the sounds of Indian regional languages associated with. The same goes with the acceptance of accentual patterns of the mother tongue replacing the English accentual pattern.The use of weak forms is absent in the usage of Indian speakers of English that results in making the speech slower. The Indian speakers of English tend to use the intonation pattern wrongly or rather in an Indinised way creating inintelligibility.
Keywords :
  • e-procurement,
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