ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
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Author Name :
Kashinath Malkappa , S. A. Palekar
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Over the last many decades, the core questions by individual women, civil society organisations, researchers and scholars, but rarely by decision makers, had to do with women's long journey to acquire and exercise their human rights. Simply put, the questions were, “Which country has combined the components of women's advancement in one national space?” and, Does such a space exist?” At the end of 2004, there were about 192 member states of the United Nations whose contributions helped construct a statistical database on different aspects of women's lives. Information to fill the many gaps are still being compiled. 1 Many of the disaggregated data on women and men are accessible and may be used for examining trends on women's work, life and political participation. Is it possible to select a country where women have achieved the capacity to transform patriarchal structures and institution in their favour? Is there a woman's country?
Keywords :
  • politics natural,
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