ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
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Author Name :
Kuldeep Kaur
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The term ‘self-esteem’ refer to overall level of self-evaluation or self-regard. It is an evaluative measure of attitudes toward the self in social, academic, family, and personal areas of experience. Within the self-esteem literature, there has been mixed empirical support for the relationship between self-esteem and performance. In this study, researcher has studied whether the children with learning disabilities (LD) differ significantly in their self-esteem from the children without learning disabilities (NC). Data was collected from 6th class 725 children of six schools. Out of these 725 children, 98 LD were identified and classified into three groups on the basis of their intelligence scores. Also, 98 NC were matched with the 98 LD on the basis of intelligence score, gender; class and school.
Keywords :
  • Agriculture and Indian Economy,
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