ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Aneek Chaudhuri
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
An entry to the Oscars does not always seem to be a fair call, if we focus on Indian Cinema. There has always been a sweet conflict between arts and commerce; the same is witnessed in the field of Cinema, as well. Avante Garde directors have always considered European Film Festivals to be the perfect stage set for them, while Academy Awards, or the Oscars pay high reverence to a Hollywood-friendly film. But what actually are the criterions set to enter the Oscars? Is there really a standard set for it, or the manipulation are being done keeping in mind the needs and wants of American Film Fraternity? This paper focuses on every aspect possible and compares Bengali films produced all these years (starting from 1957 i.e. the first entry by India to Oscars) with the official Indian entries for Academy Awards.
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