ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Prabhjot Kaur , Vinti Davar
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Food waste is a growing area of concern with many costs to our community in terms of waste collection, disposal and greenhouse gas production. The food waste can comprise 30 to 70 per cent of the total waste generated by food service businesses and institutions such as restaurants, cafeterias and grocery stores. A study was conducted in thirty restaurants of Haryana and Delhi between September and November 2013 with an objective to explore the existing food waste management practices being followed by them. A well structured questionnaire was administered personally to 210 employees (seven employees of each restaurant) working in these organizations at different levels. Data from questionnaires was statistically analyzed. Findings show that none of the restaurants surveyed practice waste segregation before disposal. Out of the total 36.6 per cent respondents confirmed that they had a waste reduction program as against 63.4 per cent who reported none. The number of respondents who reported not having a waste management team was 171 as compared to 39 who have one in their restaurant. Majority of the respondents (85.7%) narrated that their restaurants had no effective recycling program for items such as glass, paper, plastic etc. while only 14.3 per cent responded otherwise. Seven studied restaurants burn most of the waste in open area, nine used dumping and fourteen exercised waste collection by the local municipality. The waste disposal activity was not documented by any of the selected restaurants. There is a crucial and urgent need for restaurants to go “Green” by reducing food waste generation; ensuring proper waste disposal practices while providing quality services.
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