ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Shobha G. , Madhumathi N.
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The demands of life, relationships and work result in stress and the nature of work can be a great stressor affecting the levels of stress. The IT field being very demanding can contribute to a greater extent of stress . The aim of the study was to measure the perceived levels of stress of the IT and Non IT professionals. A total of 100 adults, 50 from IT field and 50 from Non IT field formed the sample. A self developed stress scale was used to measure the perceived levels of stress on the five selected areas -Body and Mind, Work, Home Life, Personality and Circumstance. The study revealed that the IT and Non IT respondents did not differ significantly in the selected areas of stress and both the groups perceived “Moderate” levels of stress in the areas Work, Home Life, Personality and Circumstance. However ‘Personality’ factors were found to be responsible for higher levels of stress among the two respondent groups. The study clearly showed that although one’s own circumstance, work environment, home life and physical conditions are the influencing factors for stress, “Personality” of an individual has a greater influence on stress levels. The common consideration that IT professionals are more prone to stress because of long working hours, strict deadlines and other demands of the job was not supported by the study. The findings of the study suggest that effective stress management programs could help in alleviating the stress levels of individuals and also is the need of the hour.
Keywords :
  • MOS transistor,
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