ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Social Case Work Method is an important Method of Social Work
Author Name :
Nejkar D.G.
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
So far we have seen that social casework addresses itself to the arrangement of issues that square or minimize the adequacy of the single person in different parts. In a general public of quick change and improvement, the exploratory base and the learning and philosophical suppositions with respect to the value and estimation of the individual have not changed. Then again, new speculations and new models of practice have created in light of the knowledge of experts to the numerous circumstances they experience. Social work is frequently seen as alluding to a perplexing, heterogeneous field, and this is indeed the case. Yet the consequences of this part of social work for hypothesis building have been translated in various altogether different ways. One of the first to develop, and one which is still present today, expresses that this heterogeneity makes hypothesis building unthinkable.
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