ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Author Name :
Birendra Ku. Tiwari
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
It is simple presumption that the witness who has came to give evidence, he will give his evidence in favour of the same party which has brought to him. If that witness gives his evidence against it then that party, will have full right after declaring that witness hostile cross examine to him. Such a witness is called adverse unfavorable or hostile the party inviting such a witness is neither bound by the statement made by such a witness nor any part of the statement made by such a witness does not become an acceptance by that party. The cross examination of any witness by the penal authority is not definitely that the penal authority considers him a true witness. Nor the permission by the court to cross examine that his evidence is futile and unreliable. The evidence of a hostile witness in a case is evidence to that very extent and in that very manner just as that of other witness.
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Keywords :
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