ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Youth in a Globalizing World: A Sociological Perspective
Author Name :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Young peoples experience with globalization constitutes a delicately balanced struggle for independence and success that is as much about constraints and limitations as it is about freedom and opportunity. It is important to understand that globalization has a direct and powerful influence on youth in so far as it actively extends the kinds of social divisions to which young people are all too often subjected. The present study focuses on the ambiguous relationship between globalization and youth, it also explores the economic impact of globalization on young people. Globalization involves a range of contradictory and contested process as well as threats to young people concerned with promoting relationships of diversity, solidarity and sustainability. Young peoples experience with globalization appears to be fraught with the uncertainty varies according to cultural and social contexts. The study also examined the phenomenon of cultural globalization and its connection with youth. It is generally agreed, that globalization is having a tremendous impact on youth; the present study will seek to assess the nature of that impact. It could equally be argued that globalization universalize culture because it is in the interest of commodification to do so. Globalization is underpinned by a desire to create uniform global culture. Whether a person is living in urban or rural areas, the global culture appears to offer something special – and above all, the chance to feel a sense of belonging. This Paper is concerned with the extent to which young people are affected by both the positive and negative aspects of globalization.
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