ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Author Name :
M. A. Sugantha
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Ramasawmy Venkataraman, the eighth elected President of the Indian Republic, was the fourth Vice-president of India (1984 to 1987) under President Giani Zail Singh (15, July 1982 to 25 July 1987). He succeeded as the President of India after expiry of the term of office during 25 the July 1987 to 25 July 1992. Born in family of a lawyer he too attained a law degree and by his own individual merits and talents he attained the position of the President of India. Though he started his service as a lawyer from 1935 in Madras High Court from 1951 he registered himself as a lawyer in the Supreme Court of India. His wide horizon of knowledge enabled him to decide things effectively. So, as he shone in all his prospects without any failure it will be imperative to have an estimate of his life sketch before plunging into the study about his career and achievements.
Keywords :
  • Tri-polarity,
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