ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Kalpana J. Modi
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Women’ s education is the stepping stone to all kinds of education. Napoleon used to say , “Give me ten good mothers, and I will give you a great nation”. As the Hartog Report remarked, “The education of women will make available to the country a wealth of capacity that is now largely wasted through lack of opportunity .” A mother is equal to hundred teachers. The attitude of parents towards the education of their daughters has changed considerably . Few years back, the aim of girls’ education was to give some education which might prove useful to them in future. Now the scenario is rapidly changing.W omen are now aware with regard to their place, importance, respect, education, freedom and rights.
Keywords :
  • Micro determinatio,Technical Education,
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