ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Anxiety And Achievement Motivetion Among Football And Volleyball Players
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Author Name :
G. K. Dhokrat
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Football, any of various diversions in which two contradicting groups endeavor to score focuses by moving an expanded oval or round ball past an objective line or into an objective. Contrasting extraordinarily in their principles, these incorporate soccer (affiliation football) and rugby, notwithstanding the diversions secured in this article: American football, Canadian football, Gaelic football, and Australian football. In the United States, the statement football by and large alludes just to the American amusement; in different parts of the world it normally implies soccer. Football, beginner and expert, is maybe the most prevalent onlooker don in the United States, drawing in an aggregate participation of in excess of 40 million and viewed by numerous more millions on TV every year.
Keywords :
  • Times of India,
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