ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
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Author Name :
Sonali Upadhyay , N. D. Shah
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
“Today’s century is the century of not only educational qualifications but demands overall development and special qualities. Today, employers in every industry, every sector emphasis the need for employees with certain foundation skill. India and its man power is again at the center stage of the world. “The shortage of appropriately skilled labor across many industries is emerging as a significant and complex challenge to India's growth and future. According to NASSCOM (National Association of Software Companies), each year over 3 million graduates and post-graduates are added to the Indian workforce. However, of these only 25 percent of technical graduates and 10-15 percent of other graduates are considered employable by the rapidly growing industries.
Keywords :
  • Pre-treatmen,
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