Article Name : | |
Author Name : | |
Manisha Garg |
Publisher : | |
Ashok Yakkaldevi |
Article Series No. : | |
GRT-5398 |
Article URL : | |
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Abstract : | |
The present study is confined to the dividend distribution of Reliance Industry Limited which are mainly engaged in manufacturing, processing and producing social and scientific activities to maximize his profits and owners wealth. The present study attempts to know the dividend policy of RIL in India. The study analyzed RIL's dividend policy for investment purpose. The study is an empirical one and it covers a period of five years ranging from 2009-2010 to 2013-2014 by using secondary data. The secondary data have been gathered from published annual reports and other such records for the relevant period of RIL and found that company’s overall position is very good. The company has a good dividend track report and has consistently declared dividends for the last 5 years. In total profitability position of RIL is getting good remarks which may help the company in form of capturing lion’s share in the stock market. |
Keywords : | |
- Health Physical training,