ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Manisha A. Bansod
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Health of women is most important, to have healthy children as well as healthy management of the entire family. Responsibility of growing the child, looking after the internal administration of the house including cooking, cleaning, washing even all the garments of men, is responsibility of the women. Yet, she is unemployed, no economic security, protection or support to her. No salary is paid to her for these services anywhere in the world. If women are employed, after the office work she only does all the house hold works also. In few families the situation may be slightly better,. In most cases women do not have even food security. If something is left over after satisfying the husband, children other members of the family and unexpected guests, she gets a small share or nil. As a result her health is affected badly most of the time.
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