ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Ashok Vithoba Kodalkar
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Solapur District is a region in Maharashtra condition of India. The city of Solapur is the region central command. It is situated on the south east edge of the state and lies altogether in the Bhima and Seena bowls. The whole area is depleted by the Bhima River. Solapur area leads in beedi creation. Kundalsangam, Karmala and Barshi have received the way of improvement through industry and training. Solapur is an antiquated chronicled and religious spot with Shri Siddharameshwar presently". Shri Siddharameshwar was a verifiable figure of the twelfth century whose "Karmayoga" all alone local area Solapur, transformed him into a God-figure throughout time. Siddharama was an extraordinary donor to Lingayata religion and he is considered right now the six prophets of Lingayat religion. He had picked up the "Siddhi". At this very moment a dry spell inclined territory, Shri Siddharameshwar burrowed a lake with the assistance of 4000 "Sharanas" to take care of the issue of consumable water. He buried himself alive (Shivyogsamadhi) at Solapur.
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