ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Contemporary Technology in Agriculture: An Assessment
Author Name :
Tapas Pal
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Agriculture is the base pavement, Industry is the roof and Technology is the pillar-architecture of any social development. From Vedic society, Indian agriculture was firmly adopting with traditional techno knowledge. Farmers were mainly eco-lover and to increase their agro-production in relevant of demand-supply ratio they were dependent on natural manure based organic elements. But in 2001 we have crossed 100 crores population's food demand. So, from upper politicians, scientists to lower peasants were thinking that how this food-crisis disaster can be checked?. All of them decided that we have to use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides instead of natural manure. Farmers are doing this in their agro-field and trying to increase the production rate. And the result outcome, the production has increased but these contemporary modern techniques are not fruitful and production for local environment for long-term effect and we are staying a risk associate vulnerable periphery. This paper encompasses over the use of modern technologies especially chemical fertilizers, pesticides & compost in agricultural development of Goalpara Village & its adverse effects as well as remedial measures.
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