ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
naltrexone information go vivitrol uk
Author Name :
Kulkarni Rahul Hanmant
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Today we are living in digital age, or now we are living in techno age. In Six month there is new invention in all the technical things. When we expert in one technology there is new and added techniques for that there is challenge for everyone who faces technology. When we compare with library there is also new challenges for library services. In some extent we see that Library Automation and E-Security are the new advanced things. For Librarian he should manage all the things. In Academic libraries most of the Librarian facing problem of management. When we evaluate work there are various parameters and test to solve problem. Management is the art of getting things done by a group of people with the effective utilization of available resources. An introduction cannot be treated as a managing body running any organization. A minimum of two persons are essential to form a management. These persons perform the function in order to achieve the objectives of an organization. Def: Peter Drucker, :-“Management is an organ, organs can be described and defined only through their functions.”
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