The Indian Caste System has been studied intensively by sociologists, anthropologists and historians, both Indian and European. It is not an easy task to trace its origin, its traditional features ,its merits and drawbacks. Indian historians have often provides a religion oriented background, while the European scholars have viewed with some deep–seated prejudice. Several theories have been advanced in explanation of the origin of the caste system .Generally it is viewed that the caste system was a product of the Aryan invasion, which led to the suppression of the native population. Like that of Tamil Nadu, in the modern Kerala Society, there are three broad caste denominations- Brahmins, Non-Brahmins and Lower castes. The most abominable feature of this caste hierarchical system is the position accorded to the lower castes. This unique institution of caste in recent years subjected to a severe condemnation. In this backdrop, this paper seeks to highlight the social stratification that prevailed in the South Travancore region in the erstwhile Princely Sate of Travncore based on caste system. |