ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Shahab Shabbir
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Man by nature has the inherent trait of insatiability. His priority for accelerated growth and development for fulfilling his luxuries and desires has exploited the nature to its core. Now it is the nature’s turn to bounce back and so there are environmental threats of climate change where the global warming lies at its core reason. Devastating effects of global warming and climate change world over are now a regular phenomenon. Global warming is one of the most discussed and debated issues of the 21st century, concerning the scientific and the humanistic fraternity alike. The repeated scientific discoveries have suggested that the global warming will significantly change our climate in the next century with an average temperature increase of 1.4–5.8°C which in turn will give for a sea-level rise in the order of a metre, significant changes in weather patterns, and more extreme climate events. It is thus a big concern for our global society that needs to address at many levels. The concern for the effects of climate change is not new but has been there since half a century. Yet we still have many unanswered questions, the prominent being as how to deal with it. First, it is to be ensured that the Third World develops as rapidly as possible, while preventing a massive explosion in production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
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