ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
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Author Name :
Praveen Kumar Kushwaha, Puspraj Chaurasiya and Narendra Singh Chohan
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Globalization has become a “buzzword” in the present day. The world has become so common that it has been used in day-to-day utterances of every individual. However it is not just the term that is new, what is new is the pervasiveness of the phenomenon and the speed at which it has engulfed all parts of the world. In common parlance, globalization means free flow of ideas, people, goods, capital, technology, culture and so on from one country to another. In brief, it has changed the face of the world irrevocably. The present paper intends to analyze the current implications of globalization mainly assisted by information and communication technology (ICT).
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