ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The Buddha described the three destroyers of the world: war, drought and famine, and pestilence and he showed the causes that people are infatuated with unrighteous passion (adhamma-raga), overpowered by inordinate greed (visama-lobha), and overcome by unnatural desires (micchadhamma). In order to make the world a better place to live in, both for ourselves and for others. According to the Buddha’s teachings. We should develop the four dhamma, the Brahma viharas. They are 1 et lvn-ides), (2) karuna (compassion), (3) mudita (sympathetic joy), and (4) upekkha(equanimity). We should progressively develop thoughts of loving-kindness, compassion, sympa- thetic joy, and equani- mity for various people depending on the charac- teristics of each Abiding. All the people should study the mind and its peculiar characteristics and solve the problem that is now facing the world.
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Keywords :
  • Relational,ethical and social,
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