ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Disaster Management - Importance and Challenges
Author Name :
S. S. Kadam
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
"Disaster is an event that causes sudden great loss." Thus, disaster is unexpected and unpredictable even for which people are not prepared. It causes irrecoverable loss to life and property. Thus, disaster management is a set of systematic action to mitigate a disaster. Disaster management has also faced many challenges. Impact of climate change, population pressure and so on to avoid this problems, disaster management undertakes Rescue Operations, Disaster preventions strategies, programmes for disaster control etc. various measures for putting in place institutional and policy framework, disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness and also initiatives being undertaken by state and central government, the community, civil society organizations and medias plays very important role to achieving overall of moving together towards a safer India.
Keywords :
  • Disaster management,challenges,important unexpected preparedness,
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