ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Kumara Naik
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Gandhi is universally known as the most renowned theorist and also the practitioner of truth, love, non-violence, tolerance freedom and peace. He was very much concerned with the nature, poor, deprived and the downtrodden and he has intender to alter the evil, political, social, and economic systems of the people. In the ethical sense, every man is ‘great’ who lays down his life for others. Hence Gandhiji was indeed ‘Great’ for he lived and scarified his life for the “lowliest of the low” and the starving millions of India. He had a dreams which consisted not of the few cities but of the innumerable villages. His mission was to reconstruct India from below upwards- a decentralized socio-political and economic order with India’s myriad villages as its base.
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Keywords :
  • Decentralised system,Rural development etc.,
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