ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
A Study on Emotional Intelligence among Male and Female volleyball Players
Author Name :
Shakeel Ahmed, Kabir Shah Khan, Shamim Ahmed
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
Many studies have proven that psychology plays an important role in the acquisition of motor skills as well as athletic performance. Therefore it is somewhat surprising that despite the growing body of research supporting emotional intelligence as an important tool for identifying superior performance levels within the workplace, it is yet to be the subject of rigorous research within other performance arenas such as the sporting environment. The aim of this study is to explore the difference of emotional intelligence between the male and female volleyball players. The data was collected from 30 male and female volleyball players from north zone interuniversity tournament. They filled the Mangal Emotional Intelligence Inventory (MEII) for measuring the emotional intelligence. After analysis the data it was found that male volleyball players have more emotional intelligence than the female volleyball players. Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Volleyball players;
Keywords :
  • Emotional Intelligence,
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