ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
Saroj Kumar
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
"Different but equals", this is the hallmark of multiculturalism. The term multiculturalism generally refers to an applied ideology of racial, cultural and ethnic diversity within the demographics of a specified society of polity. While living with differences is a fact of our social existence, multiculturalism reflects upon the status of difference cultural communities within a polity and advocates a society that extends equitable status to distinct cultural groups, with no one culture predominating. The equality in the realm of public domain is the prism through which multiculturalism examines the subject of democratic citizenship. As such, multiculturalism is opposed to mono-cultural projects of nation state, homogenization and has the context of special minority rights. It speaks of minoritization cultural discrimination lies at the center of multicultural debate. Through multiculturalism began as philosophy in the pragmatic movement of the late 19th century in Europe and then as political and cultural pluralism in te 20th century (The idea of "plural society" of William James in his pluralistic universe - 1909). There are dissimilarities between pluralism and multiculturalism which will be explained later in the paper. It is also connected with communitarianism but here also multiculturalism goes beyond mere group rights.
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