ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
O “EU” E O “NÓS” ANALISADOS PELA TEORIA ELISIANA: O PROCESSO CIVILIZADOR E AS INTER-RELAÇÕES SOCIAIS NO CONTEXTO RURAL (The "I" and the "We" analyzed by the elysian theory: The civilizing process and the social inter-relations in the countryside context)
Author Name :
Águida Meneses Valadares Demétrio and Rita Maria dos Santos Puga Barbosa
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
The society composed of individuals guides the formation and socio-historical processes seeing that all human society consists of distinct individuals and every human individual only humanizes
Keywords :
  • Civilizing process; ,Social interrelationships; ,Interdependence; ,Social settings.,
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