ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Article Name :
Alienation in Relation to Emotional Intelligence of College Students with Visual Impairment and Normal Vision
Author Name :
Sushil Kumar
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
This research work studies the relationship of alienation with emotional intelligence of college students with visual impairment (VI) and normal vision (NV). 400 college students (VI=200 and NV=200) were selected from different colleges of Delhi and Haryana. Data analysis involved the use of product moment method and t-test. The results revealed a negative and significant relationship of alienation with emotional intelligence of college students. College students with normal vision were found better than their visually impaired counterparts with regard to emotional intelligence. The level of alienation among college students with visual impairment was more than that of students with normal vision.
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