ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Profile ::
Author :
अनिल कुमार जैन
Current Position :
निदेशक एवं एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर, शिक्षा विद्यापीठ, वर्धमान महावीर खुला विश्वविद्यालय, कोटा (राज.).
Education :
Short Profile :
Anil Kumar Jain is working as Director and Associate Professor at University of Education, crescent Mahaveer Open University , Kota ( Raj .).
Current Position :
निदेशक एवं एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर, शिक्षा विद्यापीठ, वर्धमान महावीर खुला विश्वविद्यालय, कोटा (राज.).
Education :
Short Profile :
Anil Kumar Jain is working as Director and Associate Professor at University of Education, crescent Mahaveer Open University , Kota ( Raj .).
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