ISSN No: 2231-5063
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Author Name :
P. Selvamani
Publisher :
Ashok Yakkaldevi
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Abstract :
A number of socio-economic organizations have been working for the long-term growth and development of the people residing in rural India. They have been providing not only the employment and income generation opportunities but also creating opportunities to lead the existing grassroots level socio-economic organizations like self-help groups, village level cooperatives, youth associations, local bodies, etc. for their overall development. This development process enables them to build their capacity and capability to manage themselves, family, community and surroundings. Further, it enables them to take independent decision on their personal, family matters, children’s education, finance, purchase, son’s/daughter’s marriage etc. Among the grassroots level organizations, self-help groups play a pivotal role in the sustainable socio-economic development of the people, particularly women and underprivileged in rural areas. Now, they are emerging as vibrant and potential leaders through their socio-economic activities in self-help groups.
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